Friday 9 August 2013

Benefits of Massage Therapy with Wellocity Clinic

Introduction: What is Massage Therapy?

Massage, one of the oldest forms of healing, have been practiced across the world, from India to Rome. In fact, Hippocrates, known as the "father of medicine," referenced massage when he wrote, in the 4th century B.C. Massage therapy operates on a similar premise, and had been used throughout the ages for pain management, relaxation and healing. Massage increases blood and lymph circulation, and improves tissue quality while stimulating and calming nerves. It can assist in healing injuries of muscles, tendons and ligaments, or enhance the quality of life for the elderly and terminally ill.

Benefits of massage therapy

Massage Therapies have been found to be more effective in increasing blood flow than moderate exercise, making it an extremely useful tool in building a healthy lifestyle. Selected Massage Therapy techniques decrease blood pressure and heart rate, making it a recommended treatment for some cardiac and hypertensive patients.

Muscles, like everything else in the body, take orders from the brain when the brain wants action; it sends a message through the spinal cord and Connected nerves to reach the muscle itself. That movement is regulated by Signals from the nerves in the muscle, which provides a constant progress report. There is a massive increase in the number of messages sent to the brain by the nerves. This sudden deluge of information readjusts muscle tension, increasing their ability to work while preventing injuries.

Massage therapy is helpful in managing stress, which translates in to
  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Reduced fatigue.
Message therapy is useful to relax many parts of body, and gives visible results in-
Lower back pain, easier labor for expecting mothers, lessen depression, improve circulation, reduces post surgery adhesions and swelling, relaxes overused muscles.

Therefore, with the above-mentioned benefits we can conclude that massage therapy is useful and helpful to us in curing various health problems. You can take Massage Therapy from Professional team at Wellocity Clinic. Our Outpatient Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and are flexible in scheduling appointments to accommodate the patients need.

Visit Wellocity for Massage Therapy in llinois at: 
800 E. Woodfield Road
Suite 116
Schaumburg, IL - 60173

Phone: 847-330-8200

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